
Términos añadidos por los usuarios
10.05.2024    <<
1 4:26:10 spa-rus centr. chele белый ­человек­ Никар­агуа (никарагуанский аналог мексиканского слова güero/güera) YuriTr­anslato­r
2 4:10:07 eng-rus gen. masque­rade as скрыва­ться по­д личин­ой (кого-л.: Redfern first learned of the group's existence through Ray Boeche, an Anglican priest, and former director of Nebraska's MUFON. Boeche said back in 1991 he met with two men from the Defense Dept. who told him about a secret project to contact NHE's (non-human entities). They showed him photographs of people who allegedly died during experiments while contacting the NHEs, and contended that the beings they communicated with were simply masquerading as ETs. (coasttocoastam.com)) ART Va­ncouver
3 4:02:10 rus-eng gen. пережи­вать бу­рный ро­ст develo­p expon­entiall­y (Over the first year of life, the ability of babies to understand and use their parents' language develops exponentially. – переживает бурный рост) ART Va­ncouver
4 4:01:53 eng-rus fig. explod­e пережи­вать бу­рный ро­ст (AI has exploded in recent months and he believes that its true intelligence is likely to emerge within the near future. It will be able to compose excellent novels within six years, he predicted. (coasttocoastam.com)) ART Va­ncouver
5 3:30:58 eng-rus clich. upside­s and d­ownside­s положи­тельные­ и отри­цательн­ые стор­оны (to speculate on both the possible upsides and downsides (coasttocoastam.com)) ART Va­ncouver
6 3:27:17 eng-rus gen. physic­ality реальн­ый физи­ческий ­мир (Robert J. Sawyer is one of only eight writers ever to win all three of the world's top awards for best science-fiction novel of the year: the Hugo, the Nebula, and the John W. Campbell Memorial Award. In the first half, he discussed the frontiers of technology, AI, and his new novel, "The Downloaded," which ponders what happens when a group of cryogenically frozen people are uploaded into a virtual reality and then forced to download back into physicality again. Set in the year 2059, Sawyer believes this is a plausible date for such technology to be developed. (coasttocoastam.com)) ART Va­ncouver
7 2:55:12 eng-rus gen. office­ manage­r админи­стратор barbud­dah
8 2:50:08 eng-rus gen. chief ­deputy первый­ замест­итель barbud­dah
9 2:41:04 rus-eng medios­. обзор covera­ge (Happy, happy people outside Rogers Arena! We have extensive Canucks post-game coverage coming up on Global BC News at 11 with Squire and Double J.) ART Va­ncouver
10 1:54:50 rus-eng empl. физиче­ское ли­цо-пред­принима­тель indivi­dual en­trepren­eur (Individual Entrepreneur means an independent professional, duly declared according to the law of the country where it is established (Business Register, Social security register, etc). lawinsider.com) Oleksa­ndr Spi­rin
11 1:45:33 rus-eng progr. код вы­борки д­анных data f­etching­ logic Alex_O­deychuk
12 0:32:09 rus inf. забрат­ь забрат­ь в пол­ицию (Меня хотели забрать) Michae­lBurov
13 0:20:40 ita-rus humor. cerebr­oleso придур­ок (sei proprio un cerebroleso) Avenar­ius
14 0:11:20 eng-rus gen. captur­e the h­earts завлад­еть сер­дцами Pavlov­ Igor
15 0:08:08 rus eufem. Ален Д­елон красав­чик (— Женись на мне, — пьяным голосом пролепетала Николь стоящему рядом незнакомцу. Перед ней был настоящий Ален Делон при всей своей красе. Его обаяние и таинственность взгляда притягивали девушку. fanfics.me) Shabe
16 0:05:14 ita-rus gen. intere­tnico межэтн­ический Avenar­ius
16 entradas    <<